The Organization Message

The Organization Message
Through its various departments, the Organization seeks to reduce the gap between scientists and inventors on the one hand and between investors (states and persons) on the other hand, in order to adopt their inventions and ideas on the basis of sound and true benefits for all without any exploitation.

The Organization urges states, their rulers, investors, institutions and influential personalities to break this deadlock by strengthening and devoting all means to create an atmosphere conducive to building bridges of cooperation as a prelude for developing interactive partnerships and complementary relationships that promote the overall development project and consolidate common interests among them.

The Organization adopts strategic plans and programs based on a realistic vision of the conditions and possibilities available to achieve the comprehensive and sustainable development of Member States, and to adopt outstanding projects and programs that contribute to the overall development in accordance with the objectives of the Organization. It also encourages the owners of capital and donor organizations and funds to contribute to the establishment of training centres to develop strengthening the capacities and skills of the people of these countries and developing their human resources.